Since 2025

Trist Collections

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Your No. 1 Student Marketplace! Shop smarter and sell faster with unbeatable deals, exclusive student-friendly prices, and a platform built to connect businesses to the vibrant student community.

  • ACCOUNT Name: Shell Tari Ofiyou
  • ACCOUNT Number: 1100824983
  • School: Igbenidion University Iuo
  • contact iconContact: 08055345904
  • address iconAddress: Crown Estate

Trist Collections has 42 product Available


Apex Male Shoes 08


35000 ₦38000

Apex Male Shoes 07


37000 ₦41000

Apex Male Shoes 06


37000 ₦40000

Apex Male Shoes 05


33000 ₦36000

Apex Male Shoes 04


38000 ₦42000

Apex Male Shoes 03


30000 ₦34000

Apex Male Shoes 02


30000 ₦32000

Apex Male Shoes 01


35000 ₦38000

Fiora Female Leg We…


20000 ₦22000

Fiora Female Leg We…


20000 ₦22000
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